Monday, April 18, 2011

Executivo da Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business and Professionals pertence a mulheres

FPCBP Welcomes New Board of Directors"

The Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business and Professionals (FPCBP) selected the 2011 Board of Directors at the FPCBP Annual General Meeting (AGM). The event took place on April 13, 2011 at 6:00 pm at 722 College Street, Suite 300,  Toronto, Ontario.

Five out of the ten directors from last year's board continue on the new board. These individuals are:


 President: Tina Martins
Vice-President: Josie Caldas, Wilson Vukelich LLP.


Jamie Iria, Creative 7
 Giuseppe Arpino, Action COACH
Leonel (Lee) Fernandes, Cidel Financial Group Inc.

The FPCBP is pleased to announce and cordially welcome 4 new board members for the 2011 Board of Directors. They are as follows:


Daniel Correia, Edward Jones
Manuel Lomba, BMO Bank of Montreal
Americo Fernandes,  McTavish Yen LLP


  John Lopes, ScotiaMcLeod Direct Investing

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Trans-continental Migrations- Coming to the Americas and Returning Home

The Portuguese Studies Program of San Jose State University


Trans-continental Migrations.
 Coming to the Americas and Returning Home

 The case of Portuguese Immigration to the United States and Canada

The 'return' of Portuguese emigrant descendants to Portugal: identity, belonging and transnational lives.

João Sardinha, PhD
Researcher, CEMRI
Universidade Aberta, Lisbon

Beyond the written word – sound and images of the return
Visiting Jr. Scholar, University of California, Berkeley

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tricanas de Toronto comemoram 31 anos

O folclore continua a ser uma das actividades nas comunidades que mais unem os portugueses e que continua mais genuina e inclusiva.Aqui fica o caso do Grupo das Tricanas, que em Toronto comemorou  neste  dia 9 de Abril 31 anos de actividade

Folklore continues to be one of the cultural activities in the Diaspora that most unite Portuguese people for being so genuine and inclusive.
Here the case of "As Tricanas" de Toronto that celebrated this Saturday April the 9th 31 years.